Illegal Dumping and Burning at La Resource Road North Extension D’Abadie
There is an illegal dumping and burning exercise that occurs along the La Resource Road North Extension, D’Abadie. This road begins at the corner of Lillian Heights, D’Abadie and goes higher up into the Northern Range. This road is accessed via the Arima Old Road and runs perpendicular to it. As one travels past the housing communities along the road, there is a large water tank to the right of the road that serves as a landmark. The distance from the Arima Old Road to the Water Tank along the La Resource Road North Extension, is approximately 0.8 km or 800m. Using this water tank as a vantage point, the dumping spots may be observed. Most dumping and burning occurs a few metres north of the water tank and to the left. One can observe the dumping and burning areas that extend even further to the east. It shuld be noted that dumping and burning is not limited to this area and also occurs in the surrounding areas in the vicinity.
This frequent dumping and burning of hazardous materials like tyres, garbage and other solid waste poses an extreme environmental health hazard to surrounding communities. Communities like Lillian Heights, Pampellone Villas, The Foothills and La Florissante are exposed to noxious and hazardous air pollution that is widely known to cause both short term respiratory disease and long term diseases like cancer.
Almost every night especially in the dry season, trucks can be heard in the early hours of the morning going up to the site and then returning after dumping and setting fires.
Additionally, land and ground water pollution, especially the leeching of harmful chemicals into the surrounding soil and water table are an additional concern.
Using Google Earth, we were able to ascertain the GPS coordinates for the area as follows: 10°38’39″N 61°18’50″W
Inputing these coordinates into Google Maps we were able to get the following location and tracking code: JMVP+MC9 D’Abadie
with the map address being
This marker points to a water tank along La Resource Road North Extension which serves as a landmark or reference point from which Illegal Dumping and Burning activity can be observed. The illegal dumping and burning usually occur to the north and east of the water tank, but are not limited to that area.
- This discussion was modified 10 months ago by
Homeowners Association of Trinidad and Tobago.
- This discussion was modified 10 months ago by
Homeowners Association of Trinidad and Tobago.
- This discussion was modified 10 months ago by
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